LEARN Fingerprinting Services provides convenient, quick, and accurate fingerprinting services. In a short period of time, our experienced team will confirm that your documentation is in order, collect fingerprints, and process your request.
In Connecticut, all newly hired employees of school districts must be fingerprinted for state and national criminal history records checks within (30) thirty days from the date such worker begins to perform such service. No candidate shall be fingerprinted without an Applicant Track Number they will receive after registering on the Connecticut Criminal History Request System (CCHRS) portal.
Fingerprint Process
LEARN Fingerprinting Services provides convenient, quick, and accurate results. We obtain fingerprints using IDEMIA LiveScan which makes the process ink-free, fast, and efficient.
All applicants must register on the Connecticut Criminal History Request System (CCHRS) below prior to. A code is required for pre-enrollment. Please contact your Board of Education (school/district) or employer to obtain your service code. Individuals must have pre-enrolled in the Connecticut Criminal History Request System. After completing the pre-enrollment steps, a confirmation screen will appear confirming registration is complete, including your Applicant Tracking Number.
This Applicant Tracking Number will need to be taken to your fingerprinting session.
Fingerprinting Fee
LEARN fee $40
44 Hatchetts Hill Road
Old Lyme, CT 06371
Monday - Thursday
9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Scheduling and Appointment
Fingerprinting Costs
What is the cost for Fingerprinting?
There are two separate transactions:
State and Federal fee:
1. The first payment will be made during pre-enrollment on the CCHRS portal, which will cover the cost of State and/or Federal fingerprints.
LEARN fee:
2. The second is the LEARN fingerprinting fee in the amount of $40.
This fee is paid the day of fingerprinting unless there are other arrangements for billing the district or school system directly.
Payment may be made by debit/credit card or money order (No Cash and No Personal Checks will be accepted).
Privacy Statement Information
- Officials must provide to the applicant written notice [1] that his/her fingerprints will be used to check the criminal history records of the FBI.
- Officials using the FBI criminal history record (if one exists) to make a determination of the applicant’s suitability for the job, license, or other benefit must provide the applicant the opportunity to complete or challenge the accuracy of the information in the record.
- Officials must advise the applicant that procedures for obtaining a change, correction, or updating of an FBI criminal history record are set forth at Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Section 16.34.
- Officials should not deny the job, license, or other benefit based on information in the criminal history record until the applicant has been afforded a reasonable time to correct or complete the record or has declined to do so.
- Officials must use the criminal history record solely for the purpose requested and cannot disseminate the record outside the receiving department, related agency, or other authorized entity. [2]
[1] Written notification includes electronic notification, but excludes oral notification.
[2] See 5 U.S.C. 552a(b); 28 U.S.C. 534(b); 42 U.S.C. 14616, Article IV(c); 28 CFR 20.21(c), 20.33(d), 50.12(b) and 906.2(d).
- Do I need a copy of my fingerprints?
- Can I reuse fingerprints if I have had them taken recently?
- Where do I get my “Service Code”?
- Do I need to pre-enroll before showing up to my appointment?
- Do I need to pay the pre-enrollment fee before I can receive my Applicant Tracking Number?
- Who gets my results and when?
- I would like to apply to multiple schools. What is the process?
- How can I check to see if LEARN Fingerprinting Services is open during inclement weather?
- Can LEARN share any criminal history information with others, with or without my authorization?
- Where can I find the FBI Privacy Act Statement?